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SQS in a joint project with Quittner & Schimek s.r.o. established a company kindergarten DS Saurus. The project "SQS educational center - DS Saurus" (registration number CZ.03.1.51 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 19_111 / 0015425) received support from the Operational Program Employment in the call, which is aimed at supporting the establishment and operation of "children's groups" for businesses and the public.

The DS Saurus children's group is a full-fledged educational facility for preschool children, which will be entered in the register of children's groups of the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, later in the register of schools and school facilities according to the prepared legislation. With this important step, the management of both companies decided to support families with young children in order to make it easier for them to perform their jobs.

The reconstruction of the family house in Havlíčková Street in Nová Paka, where the kindergarten will be located, near the SQS company premises, is currently being completed, and a tender for the kindergarten staff is also underway. The start of operation is expected immediately after approval and fulfillment of all legal obligations (the operation started at the beginning of August 2020).

Children will have at their disposal very well-equipped facilities with playrooms, a rest / sleeping room, a kitchenette, a dining room and a classroom. There will also be its own enclosed garden with game elements. The year-round operation will be provided by qualified staff according to a sophisticated educational plan with an emphasis on an individual approach, the use of modern teaching aids and, above all, a family atmosphere.

The educational program includes various activities:

  • Active movement, artistic and creative activities, teaching English, modern directions of education (eg. Montessori elements), ecology, garden work (growing vegetables, fruit trees, medicinal plants).
  • Development of creative, technical and analytical thinking, speech therapy (individually) and preschool preparation.

The company kindergarten will have a capacity of 12 children, with the proviso that, depending on interest, it can be increased to 24 children. The facility is designed for preschool children from 1 year to the start of compulsory schooling. Any free capacity will also be offered for use by other companies whose employees show interest in it.

The SQS Vlaknova optika company, which is the founder and operator of the Saurus children's group, will pay part of the monthly "kindergarten fee" to its employees.
